The kingdom of Heorot is on the brink of destruction as Beowulf’s celebrated heroism is called into question. Grendel’s Mother, also known as Mor, rises from the Forbidden Forest, seeking vengeance for her son and balance for her people. The PCs must navigate a web of lies and determine the fate of Heorot in a clash between humanity and the forces of the wild.
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The moment you roll into Heorot, you’re greeted with feasts, mead-filled revelry, and a “we’re hiring” poster from Mr. Beowulf. Turns out, the hero who claimed to slay Grendel and his legendary mom might have slightly exaggerated the facts… and broke a very important deal in the process, which has now set off Mom’s rage. 😱
Choices, chaos, and a lot of drama await!
Will you:
👑 Team up with the heroes, put your faith in the legends, and restore Heorot’s glory the human fighter way?
🐉 Face down a dragon, steal his chalice, and pray you don’t wake him from his nap?
💀 Team up with Grendel’s Mom for some revenge (and a really heavy slipper)?
👀 Join the drow warlock, play detective, and unravel Beowulf’s web of lies, and take down the hero who’s really just a fraud?
😈 Decide to betray your allies and let the world burn while you sip your mead in peace?
🍃 Explore the forest for its hidden treasures, dodge some shambling mounds, and forget about the whole “saving the world” thing?
Will you save Heorot, destroy everything, or just sit back and watch as the lies and dragons do their thing? The fate of the mead hall (and forest creatures survival) is in your hands! 🍻
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